SOS!!Please, send sunshine! Need suuunshine!!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
46: Rain Rain Go Away....No, Even Better, PISS OFF For a Good Long While
SOS!!Please, send sunshine! Need suuunshine!!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
45: Til We Meet Again....On The Dance Floor!
Happy times but sad times. My beloved friend and esteemed salsa partner Jessica has finished her work contract here in Wellington and is on her way back to Canada. Yes, who'd have ever thought that the Canadians and Yanks would ever get along in such perfect harmony?! The salsa gang met up at a Restaurant 88, a little Vietnamese place on the corner of Tory and Ebor. As you can see, plenty of smiles all of which belie the fact that we will be losing one from the Wellington salsa family before long. But the good thing is, most of us are from all over the world and have traveled quite extensively, so are confident we'll cross paths yet again in the not so distant future!
<----See salsa video off to the left on the side bar.
Click on photos for larger view.
<----See salsa video off to the left on the side bar.

Thursday, July 10, 2008
44: Wednesday Bloody Wednesday....

Saturday, July 5, 2008
43: Surfing Titahi Bay: Always Unimpressive, But Marginally Good on Rare Occasions Such As This

Tuesday, July 1, 2008
42: Frosty the Snowman? No, Frosty the Windscreen!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
41: Noah, Is That An Ark In Your Pocket Or Are You Just Happy To See Me?
I think Noah must have conjured up the idea to build an ark whilst on holiday in New Zealand. Sure, we're all about clean and green in this part of the world. It rains hard and frequently enough that dust and dirt don't have a chance to settle on anything. And well, I think the green part you can figure out for yourself. These photos were taken on two separate days from my bedroom window. Scarcer a place you'd rather be when the sun is shining in a cloudless NZ sky(photo on left). But come the gale forced onshore southerlies off of Antarctica and rain blasting in sideways (photo on right), well, that Air New Zealand package to the islands doesn't sound so expensive after all! Click on each photo for a larger image. See video on left.

40: Random Kiwiana

Anyway, I just thought I'd take a retrospective step back and add some kiwiana photos. Things you won't likely see in other countries that you will see here.
Click on each photo for a larger version.

Saturday, June 21, 2008
39: Colonial Knob Hike (Elsdon, Porirua)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
38: Birthday Dinner at Istanbul Turkish Restaurant, Wellington

Sunday, June 15, 2008
37: Lifting the Weight of the World....Or Maybe Just Mana Island
While I confess Titahi Bay seldom turns on the goods in the surf department, I can't complain about the natural beauty it has on offer on a regular basis. There were microscopic knee to waist high remnant of a windswell and not enough to entice me into the water. Instead I took a run up to the top of the hill this evening and, like usual, I brought my camera to capture some of those special moments.

Sunday, June 8, 2008
36: A Glorious Winter Day
Greetings all,What can I say? After a few cold, windy, wet days, the clouds parted and we were left with this beautiful day. It was the clearest I've ever seen the South Island. Just impeccable. I ran up to the top of Colonial Knob and here were the photos I took. Simply incredible. The sunset photo was taken several days ago, but spectacular nevertheless. Click on each photo to see the large image. Enjoy. 

Monday, June 2, 2008
35: Outlaw Surfers Take Advantage of Queen's Birthday....Disappear to Taranaki for Two Days

Yes, it's true. I've not posted a single anything in 6 months. Three reasons: first, I've been busy. Second, I've had a knee injury since December and hadn't surfed in 5 months. Third, nobody reads these things anyway unless they're under three paragraphs long. I know you all just like the photos anyway....and so it shall be. Here's the story in short form. Queen's birthday gave everyone a three day weekend. See, the old bag still has some practical value in modern times, even in a parliamentary nation like New Zealand. We ducked out of town for a couple days to take advantage of a bit of swell pumping up the Tasman Sea. Not great surf, but good to just get wet again after so long out of the water. On a positive note, have been tremendously productive, so if anything positive can come out of injury, that's it.

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