Tuesday, July 1, 2008

42: Frosty the Snowman? No, Frosty the Windscreen!

In all the time I've been in New Zealand, I've seen some pretty chilly days. I mean, yeah, I've had a few of those cold-enough-to-see-my-breath kinds of days, but this morning threw me for a loop. I had to be up early to go train some subjects in my study. Now bear in mind the sun doesn't come up til after 7am or so, so imagine my surprise when I got in my car this morning and went to wipe away what I thought was morning dew on the windscreen. All I heard was a crusty scraping sound as the wiper blades grinded across what turned out to be frost! Ironically, all other windows were covered in liquid dew, but the windscreen bore the brunt of it. I was running a few minutes behind so I had to look for something to scrape off the ice. Nothing. I haven't touched an ice scraper since I lived on the east coast in the early 90s. I was able to get the car heated up quickly which then melted the ice, but it was still a little rough seeing out of only part of the windscreen whilst the remainder defrosted.

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