Monday, June 2, 2008

35: Outlaw Surfers Take Advantage of Queen's Birthday....Disappear to Taranaki for Two Days

Greetings all,
Yes, it's true. I've not posted a single anything in 6 months. Three reasons: first, I've been busy. Second, I've had a knee injury since December and hadn't surfed in 5 months. Third, nobody reads these things anyway unless they're under three paragraphs long. I know you all just like the photos anyway....and so it shall be. Here's the story in short form. Queen's birthday gave everyone a three day weekend. See, the old bag still has some practical value in modern times, even in a parliamentary nation like New Zealand. We ducked out of town for a couple days to take advantage of a bit of swell pumping up the Tasman Sea. Not great surf, but good to just get wet again after so long out of the water. On a positive note, have been tremendously productive, so if anything positive can come out of injury, that's it.

I actually had the privilege of being "profiled" the other day. We stopped off in Oakura for petrol. The attendant came out seemingly attempting to be helpful. He was all but up our asses like an enema. I told him I didn't need any help and could pump my own fuel. But he wouldn't leave. He washed our windows. Then the minute I finished pumping, he abruptly cut in front of me to put the cap back on my tank. We went in and paid and that was the end of it. But as we drove down the road, we thought back to the sign on the pumps that said something like, "it is an offence to steal fuel." I recall seeing it and thinking, "yeah, well that's got nothing to do with me." Well, considering how grungy we both looked, I think that was probably the reason for the condescending VIP treatment. Had I figured it out while still there, I might have paid out on him and given him an earful for his poor judgment. I figure he'll be flipping burgers somewhere else by the time we get back up that way.

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